Hello North Tahoe High School Families!
You so generously donated last year as a sponsor of our annual Spirit Shirt Fundraiser, and I wanted to be sure you were the first to hear of our fundraiser details for 2023. I hope your students have had a great first couple of days at school and are happy to be reunited with all of their school friends & activities. We had our first PTO meeting tonight and we are excited for the year to come. We learned that the school has an updated dining commons, 4 new teachers, a new counselor, and sports are already well underway. Our next PTO meeting will be October 11th at 5:00 pm in the teachers lounge on the North Tahoe School side, we'd love to see you there.
The Spirit Shirt fundraiser successfully brought in over $22,000 last year and we met our PTO budget needs with that one fundraiser! We would love to have your support again this year if it is possible for you. PTO supports a variety of programs at school, Assemblies, School Dances / Activities, College Visits and helping out in other ways the school needs funding. If you would like to participate again this year, please complete the attached form and return to this address, nthsvips@gmail.com as soon as possible.
We are really hoping to get the shirts distributed to the students on Homecoming day which is October 13th. In order to meet the printing deadline, all Platinum and Gold Sponsors need to have their commitment and logos submitted NO LATER than 9-22-23. If your student has graduated or not attending NTHS, kindly reply and let us know to remove you from the list. Our sponsorship form is attached here and donations can me made by clicking here: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=U2UVNP32Z8AKU or by scanning the QR code below.:
Thanks so much, Heather Rantz, NT PTO Spirit Shirt Coordinator
Gold Sponsors
Art Haus Cinema
Galletto Construction Inc.
Holocaust Curriculum Task Force
Jr.'s Snow Removal
Kaufman Edwards
Morrison Group Tahoe
Mountain Roofing
North Tahoe Marina
Odetta Management
Pomin's Hot Tub
Schulze Construction
Sierra Sage Roofing
Tahoe City Chevron
Tahoe Forrest Health Systems
Tahoe Tap Haus
Tree Top Adventure Park
Silver Sponsors - NOT CURRENT
Bronze Sponsors - NOT CURRENT
Garrity Family
Cooke Family